Let's Start

When i thought about writing a blog, i could never think of what it should be about. Would anyone really care what i had to say? Hmmmmm, I don’t know, but I’m starting one anyway.

The Beginning

Where to start, where to start? Let’s start at the beginning and see how we got here.

Well, it was a sunny day back in April of 1980…… wait, what! No not that “beginning”. Lets fast forward a bit to when i came to the realization that i needed a blog.


I recently started working for JBoss, which is a division of Red Hat, on the Aerogear project. The projects focus is on mobile app development. Showing best practices, creating libraries to help devlopers, just generally being awesome, that sort of thing.

Part of what I’ll be doing is creating examples of how to use these kick ass libraries that we’ll be creating, thats when my brain said, “your going to need a place to blog about what your doing, so why not create a blog”. To which i replied, “Yea, good idea, but you know you used blog twice there “.


Most of this blog will be about the AeroGear project and other JBoss projects, but also some other random thoughts could pop up from time to time. Just to be warned, there may be multiple “Spinal Tap” references in a lot of posts.

Finally, what would a blog post be without the random LOLcat.
